Sacramental Record Request
Sacramental Records
If you are looking for a copy of a Sacramental record, you must fill out the appropriate request form.
You will also need to provide a copy of a state issued photo ID or Drivers License.
You can email it to olhfparish@archchicago.org
or send a copy to
Our Lady of the Holy Family
Attn: Rectory Office
1335 W Harrison St
Chicago, Il, 60607
Certificate requests will be ready for pick up or to be mailed out within 7-10 business days.
The non-refundable processing fee of $10 per certificate and a copy of a state-issued photo ID must accompany this form. Certificates provided for dual citizenship are $50 and must include all additional documentation.
Record requests for genealogy or citizenship purposes:
All sacramental certificates of a deceased relative, the requester must provide proof of that person's death—an original or notarized photocopy of the death certificate is required—and proof of relation to the deceased person, an original birth or marriage certificate or notarized photocopy. Genealogy or citizenship records take 10-15 business days to process.
Please go to givecentral to make the payment.
Who can request a certificate?
Information from sacramental records created after the following dates is only released to the individual who received the sacrament, to requesting Catholic Church institutions (e.g. parishes or tribunals)*, or persons who have a legitimate reason for requesting the record (e.g. parents of minor children, those with legal guardian status, or an immediate relative [spouse/child/sibling of the deceased**] if the individual is deceased).
**photo id, official death record of the deceased, and proof of relation are required
Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation after 1923
Marriage after 1953
Death after 1975