Our Lady of the Holy Family
Catholic Church
This form is for Religious Education Classes (Grades 1-12) for the 2024-2025 school year. Please complete one form per
student per year registering for classes at Our Lady of the Holy Family Parish.
If parents cannot be reached, in case of emergency, please call:
Who else is authorized to pick up this child?
The program often takes photos in class or at special events sponsored by the parish. The photos may be uploaded and
posted to the parish website at times or printed in the parish Sunday bulletin. If you do not want photos of your children
posted on the website or printed in the Sunday bulletin, please note below
I request the above-named participant be allowed to attend church-related activities with Our Lady of the Holy
Family Parish.
I, the parent /guardian, do hereby give permission for him/her to attend Religious Education /Sacramental Preparation classes and to be treated for a medical emergency in my absence while participating in the Religious Education program. The adult supervisor may act as an agent in my absence. In case of accident, I do not hold the Archdiocese of Chicago, the parish (Our Lady of the Holy Family Parish), its staff, or any catechists/chaperones responsible for accident or injury. I understand that all costs incurred will be my (parent’s or legal guardian’s) responsibility. I also understand that if my student breaks any of the program rules, I (the parent or legal guardian) will be notified of all actions taken and/or may be asked to immediately pick up my child from the premises.
Check here to agree to the above